*You will find a link to a 19-page set of ideas for this product.
*The first part of this product is a product focused on the easiest form of repeat signs for students to follow- repeat signs with first and second endings. As the lesson progresses, we cover DS Al Coda and DC Al Coda. I make specific song recommendations that you can use or you can follow the lesson plan using songs in your library that cover the topics at hand.
*To extend the value of this lesson, I’ve included some ideas to gamify the learning process to make it fun as you reinforce these ideas.
*I include ideas for resources, many of which are free, with links to those resources. For example, I mention playing Bingo to reinforce the lesson, and I include a link to a site on which you can create the Bingo cards.
*This lesson can last many days if you wish to make it do so and you can implement the ideas over time so that ultimately, your students get a strong grasp on how to handle various repeat signs in their choral music.
*I include a quiz and an answer key.
What topics are covered?
*Repeat Signs, First and Second Endings, DS Al Coda, DC Al Coda
*We include game ideas you can use to reinforce the lesson
*We share links to resources to reinforce the lesson as well as performance links to songs that include DS Al Coda and other repeats.

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