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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Excellent post man!
    I strongly agree with your point that the Strong Relationships with your customer is the key,and Use the Language Your Customers Use. These two points are the main key points which we have to focus in B2B Marketing.

  3. Dale,

    I would like to thank you again on behalf of all of my colleagues here in the South Louisiana area for providing so many resources and tech tools to help sustain our programs during this tragic time. It's nice to know that there is someone out there in the middle school choir room trenches that care.

    Shelton @ Park Forest Middle, Baton Rouge Louisiana

    1. Shelton,

      You are so welcome. I can't imagine if I lost my classroom to a flood the way you and so many teachers have. As a public school educator of 25 years, I know that if that were to happen to me, I'd be devastated, and then much of the pickup, cleanup and replacement would fall on me. That's what I know so many of you are facing.

      I hope that my ideas give you all some light to share with your students during these trying times for your community.

      Wishing all of you the very best.

      Dale Duncan
