QUICK! I need ideas for my Choir Lesson- First lesson in a new series by Mr. D on TpT!

This is the first in a series of lessons I'll be offering only on TpT called "QUICK!  I need ideas for my choir lesson!"  It'll be a series of lessons focusing on singing...from Vocal Warm Ups, to dynamics, to diction, to interpretation, to pitch, to rhythmic precision...we will cover ALL of it!  Today is July 30, 2024, and I've just released the first lesson.  Click here to see it in my store!  Make sure to wish list it so you can grab it when there is a sale!

Each lesson will focus on a new topic.  In the first one, I focused on Vocal Warm Up ideas.   

The lessons are designed to both give you specific things to use or do, but also to stimulate your own creativity or to remind you of something that you perhaps had forgotten!

They are designed to be a great value for a low price and to be something you can literally buy the day before or the day OF!  

Happy Singing!

My First Set of Bundled Sub Plans "Giveaway" - Enter From 7/29 through 8/4

When I was still in the classroom, I always struggled with creating meaningful sub-plans that would actually TEACH the students something that would be useful learning for choir.  Because I used to be a gymnast, I had to put my shoulders and biceps back together in 2018-2019.  It's a nine-month recovery with all of the PT that is required to get a full recovery.  The doctor told me to take 3 months off, and I was like...NO WAY.  I took less than two weeks off the first time.  For the second time, I took two weeks.  It was not what was best for my health.  I could have fallen and reinjured it.  So many bad things could have happened.  I didn't take more time because it felt easier to just be there than to create the sub plans.  

Not smart...

So, I created this first set of bundled plans for choir that can last you from two weeks to two months if you decide to do all of the creative extension activities I've included.   I created something I would use if were still in the classroom.  I am hoping to help you through your maternity leaves, sick days, mental health days, and more!

I rolled these sub plans out the same way I rolled out S-Cubed Sight Singing Program for Beginners. I started by releasing one lesson at a time until, two years later, I was able to bundle the whole program.   I designed them for use by non-music subs because when I was in the classroom daily, I rarely was able to obtain a music sub.  But, if you have a music sub, you can make these plans last for up to two months using the expansion activities I've included in some of the lessons...AND...YOU, the chorus or general music teacher, can also use these lessons as "regular" lessons and teach them yourself.  I think you'll have a wonderful time using the expansion activities.  The activities span from acting, creative writing, writing songs, making videos, interviewing, and so many more interesting ways to take the subject you are studying to a better understanding all while having a great time!  These plans follow the S-Cubed Philosophy!  3/4 Cup Learning + 1/4 Cup = Success!

Here is a link to the product in my TpT Store-  Click here.

This bundle covers seven topics in total.
Listening to and Analyzing and Discussing Great Choir Performances by real middle school choirs.  (One day/50 minutes)
*To Do’s and NOT To Do’s of Middle School Chorus.  It’s a great activity for the start of the year.  (One day/50 minutes with 5 possible extension activities included)
*Broadway-The Actor’s, The Theaters, The City landscape, the Business of Broadway (One day/50 minutes/5 possible extension activities)
*Diction for Choral Singers-  From Tall Mouths to Voiced and Unvoiced Consonants, they’ll get a great overview. (One day/50 minutes/11 possible extension activities)
*Dynamics-  They’ll hear examples of choirs with amazing use of dynamics!  It is sure to excite them and unleash the passion. (One day/50 minutes)
*Concert Etiquette- We use some humorous videos to drive home the importance of good Concert Etiquette  (One Day/50 minutes).
*They’ll learn the “Seven Criteria of a Great Choir”-  Tone, Pitch, Rhythm, Diction, Interpretation, Ensemble and Other Factors (how you stand/watching conductor, etc.)  (One Day/50 minutes).
Purchased separately, these bundles would cost $115.
If you purchase the bundle, you'll get it for $59, and you'll have tons of lessons to cover those days when you have to miss class for any reason...or to teach them yourself because you like the topic and/or extension activities!

And I am giving it away this Sunday, August 4th.  So, enter below on the rafflecopter.  To enter, you just answer two poll questions related to how many days you needed a sub last year and what sub-plan topics you'd like to see me create to help you.   One of the options is "another activity" and you have an idea for me, please email me.  In the subject line, write "New sub plan topic", and let me know what you'd like to see.

Good luck!  Click the link below to enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Work/Life Balance as you start the new school year

Having taught public school chorus for 30 years until 2022 when I retired, I vividly recall the anxiety I felt just before the start of the school year.  

Don't get me wrong, I loved teaching, and I loved my students but each year, once the students walked into my classroom on the first day, it always felt like I was on a slip-and-slide ride that I couldn't get off of.  Sometimes, it felt like I took one big gasp of air and held my breath until May when I finally exhaled.  It felt like there was always something to be done whether personal or professional.  I remember many sleepless nights before concerts and being nervous that I hadn't told my 300+ students something essential about where to be or when to be there.  

I am married, but I don't have children of my own, so I was able to pour myself into my job and then come to a quiet home and spend time with my spouse and rest.  I was able to work out and take care of my body, and I am so thankful for that because at age 60 now, I can still move well and can be very active with almost no limitations that keep me from doing what I want to do.  

For years, I've thought about the teachers who have children of their own and whose spouses also work, and I don't know how they get it all done.  

I write this blog post today to send a gentle reminder to you as you begin this new school year that there is only one "you".  

This is a bit morbid, but...

If you don't take time for yourself now, no matter how young you are, your health will suffer, and it may cause you to become ill or to pass away before your time.  

That's how important it is to make your personal health a priority.

What does "taking care of yourself" look like for you?

Does it mean making sure that you protect Saturday afternoons so that you can read a book or watch a movie?  And by protect, I mean blocking a time as YOURS...spending it in ways that make YOU happy.  

Staying connected to the things that bring us joy keeps us healthier and helps us not overindulge in food, drink, or pills or other things in excess to help us numb the pain of too much work and not enough play.  Maybe it's that you get a pedicure once a month.  Maybe it's that you make sure you power walk at least once a week.


Only you know the things that bring you joy.

There is no wrong answer.  

But we need to be intentional about it.

For me...I always needed (and still need!) what I called "Dale time".  That usually involved one of the following things...Lifting Weights...Playing Pickelball or Tennis...Power Walking...Riding my bike...Reading the paper...Watching NBC Nightly News with my husband...Going out to dinner once a week...During the school day, I would always go outside during my planning period if the weather was decent and take a leisurely stroll to clear my head...Sometimes, I would schedule a "sick" day two weeks ahead so that I had it to look forward to, and that day would just be for me...so there are a few ideas for you!

As you move toward the 2024-2025 school year, do your best to make your well-being a priority.  

You'll be happier.  

You'll be healthier.

You'll be better for your students and for your family.

Have a great school year!  


Enter the Giveaway of My Newest Nine Week Movie Musical Bundle! Annie/Newsies/Sound of Music-

Enter this giveaway to possibly win my new Nine Week Movie Musical Bundle!  (Annie/Newsies/Sound of Music).

I've just bundled the Nine Week Movie Musical plan that has movie question guides, quizzes, answer keys, and numerous creative expansion activities that include acting, interviewing, character analysis, history projects, discussion groups, creative writing and so much more.  You can use this for yourself or for your music or non-music sub, and you'll be covered for weeks!  To learn more about the bundle, click here and read the product description.

You can enter a few different ways using the link below, and you can enter more than once.  Just make sure to include your accurate email address.  You have until Saturday night, July 27 at 11:59 PM EST to enter.  During the morning of July 28, everyone who enters will get an email from me telling you how you can get it for half price for a short time period on July 29th.  The normal price is $49.  It will be $24.50 for a two-hour window on either July 28 or July 29th, and you'll get up to nine weeks of lessons for these three awesome child-friendly shows and units for ages 9-16.  All times are East Coast.

Make sure you include your email address on the entries so I can reach you and keep an eye on your inbox on Sunday morning.  One lucky winner and a 50% discount for all who enter!  Read below for instructions on how to enter.  

There are six ways to enter, and you can do some of them every single day to get extra points.  The first three ways to enter carry the most valuable points.  
#1- Share the Facebook post on your personal page and/or on public pages where it is allowed and where music teachers gather.  Create chatter in the comments to boost the post.  Ask questions about the show's setting or plot or age-appropriateness, for example.  (5 points)
#2-  Share the link to the product listing on my TpT Store so they can learn more.  You can do this one daily anywhere on social media.  (5 points)
#3-  Share the link on Instagram and make sure to tag me.  Use your story or use a regular post.  (5 points)
#4- Follow my TpT Store- (3 points)
#5 Follow my YouTube Channel (3 points)
#6 Follow my TikTok (3 points)

You can enter below!  

Free stuff in my TpT Store- The First Month of Middle School Chorus and S-Cubed Sight Singing Program Training and Syllabus

Back to school is coming for 2024-2025, and so I made a "paid" lesson FREE to help teachers who are starting to teach middle school choir this year!

It used to be $25.  Now it's free.

So go download "The First Month of Middle School Chorus" in my TpT Store for free.  It will set your year up for success.  Basically, I talked to my I-phone straight to you and shared my daily lesson plans for my choir classes, uploaded them to YouTube unlisted.  So, to get access, you need the product with the links.  They are labeled clearly (Day 1, Day 2, etc.).  In the videos, I share the flow of my classes for the day, how I handle syllabus, parent contacts, classroom management ideas, and so much more.  You can sit with a beverage (!) and watch them, fast forward, get ideas and move on!  

My syllabus is always free in my TpT store.  Here is the link-  Click here.

And here is a link to a training session on S-Cubed Sight Singing Program for Beginners...also free.  Click here!

Nine Week Movie Musical Bundle- Annie, Newsies, Sound of Music

For these lessons, you, your music sub, or your non-music sub will do the following-
*You will watch the movie musical (Newsies, Annie-1982 version, The Sound of Music).
*Students will answer plot questions as they watch or immediately upon finishing (your choice).
*Then, the fun starts! I've included more than 25 creative extension activities in this bundle to increase engagement and understanding or the plot, the characters, and the time-period during which each musical is set. The activities involve art, history, music, theater, interviewing, and it will lead to interesting discussions that will help your students connect to themselves and to you as you help them learn about the world through musical theater. Thematic collages, character diaries, theme-based skits, song analysis, theme-based essays, interactive posters, creative-writing, theme-based discussions, multi-media presentations, and role-playing interviews are just some of the ways you'll enhance their learning while having a great time!
*The number of slides is small because I've included links inside of links. This is a massive unit with tons of ideas and information.
Please email me if you have questions or issues of suggestions for how I can make this better for you and most importantly for your students! inthemiddlewithmrd@gmail.com

If you know a chorus teacher who hasn't heard of S-Cubed Sight Singing Program for Beginners, send them a link! Link to Mega Bundle of S-Cubed Sight Singing Program for Beginners!

Subscribe to my email list- Send me an email at inthemiddlewithmrd@gmail.com and write the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.  

My latest Musical Unit- Annie the Musical- Hopeful Theme and Historical Context Unit lasting up to 3 weeks.

Students love this musical because of its hopeful theme. "The Sun will come up, Tomorrow!" Many historical lessons about the time period in which the musical is set, The Great Depression, can be taught while exploring this musical.

In this lesson you will find-
1). How to find the 1982 musical to watch it.
2). 20 questions with answer key about the plot of the musical.
3). 11 Creative Extension ideas to further explore the theme of the musical (hope) that include creative writing, role play, class projects, art projects, song analysis, theme-based essays, multi-media presentations and more.
4). A history section that includes a 5-minute YouTube video about the Great Depression and teacher discussion points for learning more about the Great Depression. You'll find research project ideas, primary source analysis ideas, comparative essays, and ideas for guest speakers who were impacted by the Great Depression either directly or as a child of a parent who grew up during the Great Depression.

This unit can take up to two or three weeks depending on how often you see your students and for how long you see them.

If you know a chorus teacher, let them know about my work!

•Subscribe to my email list- Send me an email at inthemiddlewithmrd@gmail.com and write the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.  
••Follow my blog where I share lots of teaching ideas and random thoughts about my teaching experience in the middle school choral classroom!     My blog!
••Click here to subscribe to my YouTube Channel!  You’ll find lots of sight singing teaching tips as well as  teaching examples of all sorts about various subjects related to teaching in the middle school choral classroom!

My Latest Musical Unit- Newsies the Musical! Child Labor Laws and Labor Unions in the USA

Newsies the Musical is one of the most entertaining live Broadway musicals of our generation, and even better, watching the musical gives us numerous opportunities to teach about history, child labor laws in the US, and labor unions.
In this Newsies unit, you will find:
1). 19 questions that cover the plot. You can have students complete the questions as they watch the musical, or you can use it as a quiz after they finish.
2). Eight extension activities are included.  Choose at least one of them to extend their knowledge.  Some of the extension activities may take several class periods to complete.  If you do all eight of them, this unit could last 2-3 weeks or more depending on how often and for how long you see your students.  Activities include creative writing, role-playing, researching various strikes in US history for comparisons and contrasts, discussions, reflection writing, class projects, creating newspapers, and more.

If you know a chorus teacher, let them know about my work!

•Subscribe to my email list- Send me an email at inthemiddlewithmrd@gmail.com and write the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.  
••Follow my blog where I share lots of teaching ideas and random thoughts about my teaching experience in the middle school choral classroom!     My blog!
••Click here to subscribe to my YouTube Channel!  You’ll find lots of sight singing teaching tips as well as  teaching examples of all sorts about various subjects related to teaching in the middle school choral classroom!