Work/Life Balance as you start the new school year

Having taught public school chorus for 30 years until 2022 when I retired, I vividly recall the anxiety I felt just before the start of the school year.  

Don't get me wrong, I loved teaching, and I loved my students but each year, once the students walked into my classroom on the first day, it always felt like I was on a slip-and-slide ride that I couldn't get off of.  Sometimes, it felt like I took one big gasp of air and held my breath until May when I finally exhaled.  It felt like there was always something to be done whether personal or professional.  I remember many sleepless nights before concerts and being nervous that I hadn't told my 300+ students something essential about where to be or when to be there.  

I am married, but I don't have children of my own, so I was able to pour myself into my job and then come to a quiet home and spend time with my spouse and rest.  I was able to work out and take care of my body, and I am so thankful for that because at age 60 now, I can still move well and can be very active with almost no limitations that keep me from doing what I want to do.  

For years, I've thought about the teachers who have children of their own and whose spouses also work, and I don't know how they get it all done.  

I write this blog post today to send a gentle reminder to you as you begin this new school year that there is only one "you".  

This is a bit morbid, but...

If you don't take time for yourself now, no matter how young you are, your health will suffer, and it may cause you to become ill or to pass away before your time.  

That's how important it is to make your personal health a priority.

What does "taking care of yourself" look like for you?

Does it mean making sure that you protect Saturday afternoons so that you can read a book or watch a movie?  And by protect, I mean blocking a time as YOURS...spending it in ways that make YOU happy.  

Staying connected to the things that bring us joy keeps us healthier and helps us not overindulge in food, drink, or pills or other things in excess to help us numb the pain of too much work and not enough play.  Maybe it's that you get a pedicure once a month.  Maybe it's that you make sure you power walk at least once a week.


Only you know the things that bring you joy.

There is no wrong answer.  

But we need to be intentional about it.

For me...I always needed (and still need!) what I called "Dale time".  That usually involved one of the following things...Lifting Weights...Playing Pickelball or Tennis...Power Walking...Riding my bike...Reading the paper...Watching NBC Nightly News with my husband...Going out to dinner once a week...During the school day, I would always go outside during my planning period if the weather was decent and take a leisurely stroll to clear my head...Sometimes, I would schedule a "sick" day two weeks ahead so that I had it to look forward to, and that day would just be for there are a few ideas for you!

As you move toward the 2024-2025 school year, do your best to make your well-being a priority.  

You'll be happier.  

You'll be healthier.

You'll be better for your students and for your family.

Have a great school year!  


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