Making Decisions about your life based on the information you have- not the information you want.

My husband and I have been together for 30 years this April.

We were totally meant to be together.  

He was a lot.  

I am a lot.

We are a lot but in totally different ways.

We met on a blind date on April 9, 1995.  

He was 25.  

I had just turned 31 two weeks before.

His employee and I taught group fitness together, and she connected us.  

We've tried to find her to thank her, but she hasn't done social media.

He is in the corporate world.  

I was teaching public school in North Carolina.

We met at Cafe Pasta on that blind date in Greensboro.

Roberta Flack passed away this week, and it made me want to write this blog post because I remember the first time I saw his face....vividly.  Apparently, he had taken an aerobics class of mine a few months before and didn't realize that I would be the person on the blind date.

Not that blind of a date, I guess.  

His head turned right and up.  

After 30 years, I know that look.  He was looking for an escape.  

For 30 years now, we have made all of the hard decisions when life does what it does.  We've helped each other stay on the path toward the life we want together.  

We are doing it right now.

Roberta Flack started as a music teacher who taught middle school.  

She brought the world so many gifts. 

We all face unexpected twists and turns.

My goal is to listen to what the universe/god...whatever you think/believe, is telling you and to make decisions based on that information. 

You know what you know, and you don't know what you don't know.

So, move forward in life based on what you know...the information you have....not the info you THINK you have.  

Just data...real, raw data...

And do it with confidence.  


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