• I finished creating and sharing the S-Cubed Sight Singing Program for beginners exactly one decade ago this year. Choir teachers from all ov...
    I have been adjudicating this season, and I have heard lots of music for the first time that I absolutely loved.  I just added more songs to...
    Join Me at The Wonder Years Teacher Summit—My Session Tackles Classroom Management Head-On I’m excited to announce that I’ll be speaking at ...
    My husband and I have been together for 30 years this April. We were totally meant to be together.   He was a lot.   I am a lot. We are a lo...
    Three weeks ago, a former student reached out to me on instagram.   She asked if I had dvds of the musicals we did.  She said she wasn’t the...
    I just finished three weekends in a row with teachers and students-  Mississippi MMEA keynote speaker for middle school, Louisiana District ...
    The incredible popularity of the movie musical "Wicked" has awakened many middle school students with a newfound love of musical t...